Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Salted Caramel Iced Protein Coffee

I found myself craving an iced coffee treat today, but wasn't about to leave my house to go spend money. So I started looking around my kitchen to see what I could throw together. 
Sometimes if we don't finish our whole pot of coffee in the morning I like to pour what's left into ice cube trays and freeze it. We also always have flavored sugar-free syrups in the cupboard, so that got the wheels turning, and I came up with this concoction! 

16oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
4 frozen coffee cubes
2 Tablespoons sugar-free salted caramel syrup 

In a shaker cup mix up your almond milk, protein, and flavored syrup. 
Pour over the frozen coffee cubes, and wait a minute or two for it to start melting. 
Stir and enjoy!! 

You could use any kind of flavored syrup, I just really like the salted caramel with the vanilla protein. You could also put it all in the blender and have your own sugar-free protein frappacino!! 

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