Friday, January 29, 2016

Crunch-free kettlebell abs!

Try these movements if you're looking to improve your core strength, and you're tired of the same old sit-ups and planks. All you need is a kettlebell! Mine weighs 35lbs, but you can use any weight that feels good for you. While there are a lot of kettlebell exercises out there, these are my top three for targeting the deep muscles of the core.

Standing Obliques
Begin by standing up straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the kettlebell in one hand with palms facing in. Keeping your back straight, lower the kettlebell to one side as far as you can, then return to the start position. Move the kettlebell to the other hand and repeat on the opposite side. I used to do these all the time while I was pregnant, since traditional abdominal workouts were no longer an option. 

Russian Twists
Starting in a lying position on the floor, grab the kettlebell with both hands and slowly lift your legs and shoulders off the ground. Rotate the torso from left to right by twisting at the waist and swinging the kettlebell across the body, making sure to tap the ground with the bottom of the kettlebell each time. 

Kettlebell Swings 
Grasp the kettlebell with two hands and brace through your abdominals and core musculature. Drop your hips and let the kettlebell move behind you, starting just in back of your heels. Keeping your core tight, drive through your hips - swinging the kettlebell upwards. Look forward and keep your arms straight. Squeeze through the glutes and swing until your arms are straight above your head. Return to the start under control, being careful not to round or hyper-extend the back.

Perform these in sets of 8-12 reps, or do them as a HIIT circuit to get even more of a workout! 

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